
Emergency Rescue Visa Subclass 203

The Emergency Rescue Visa Subclass 203 is for the people who are subject to injustice and ill-treatment in their home country as well as there is a menace to your life and personal security. However, under Subclass 203 Visa the applicant should be recommended by UNCHR (United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees) to the Australia Government.

Requirements of the Visa

For being eligible to apply for the Australian 203 visa, an applicant has to fulfill the following requirements that are outlined by the Australian Department of Immigration:

1)    The applicant should be residing outside Australia at the time of filing the visa application.

2)   The applicant should have permission from the UNCHR (United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees)  so that you can be recommended to the Australian Government.

3)    If an applicant has any debts from the Australian Government or has to pay to Australian Government then you should complete all the formalities before applying for the visa application.

4)   The applicant has to fulfill the health requirements. The applicant has to go through the medical exam which clearly states that you are completely fit and free from any kind of medical disease which can cause the threat to the other citizens of Australia. The medical exam lasts for 12 months and you should get your medical exam done if you are asked by the Immigration authority to do so.

5)   The applicant has to demonstrate his good character by rendering earlier records which state that you are totally out of any kind of criminal offense. The applicant needs to provide his former records from the nation where they have stayed in last 6/12 months.

Cost of the Emergency Rescue Visa

The cost of 203 visa for the main applicant as well as for additional applicant is zero. You don’t have to pay any fee for this visa program. Although, you may have to pay for the additional requirements as per the guidance of the Department of Immigration that includes documentation, health character certificate, and police clearance certificate.

  1. The fee for this visa is nil until unless you are applying under Community Pilot. The Australian Government pay for your expenses like traveling and for other additional documents like health assessment and cultural orientation before you leave for Australia
  2. After the grant of visa, the section of Australian Immigration as well as Border Protection, inquire about your visa approval and other useful information like your visa grant number, at what time you will utilize this visa and is there any other condition added in this visa.


The Emergency Rescue Visa Subclass 203 proffers the passage to many benefits:

1)    You have full right to stay in Australia on the permanent basis.

2)    You can complete your studies in Australia during your stay.

3)    You can register your name in Australia’s scheme for healthcare and medical facilities i.e. Medicare

4)    You can enter and leave Australia as many times since the day your visa is valid.

5)    You can sponsor your family members for permanent residency in Australia if they are able to satisfy the eligibility criteria.

6)    You can apply for Australian citizenship, after spending the beginning years in Australia and you can meet the eligibility criteria.

7)    You can enlist your name in English language classes.

For availing more information about Emergency Rescue Visa Subclass 203,  you can reach Make Visas experts  by dialing +919625212959 Email your queries on info@makevisas.com. You may book a consult for clearing your doubts. The experts will contact you shortly after analyzing your profile.

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Emergency Rescue Visa Subclass 203 is a permanent resident visa for the people who are treated in ill-mannered manner and there is threat to their security in their home country
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Australian Immigration

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